Sunday, April 27, 2008, I'm hungry for more... - large selection of bookmarked sites useful for doing research to be shared and searched by a larger audience - evaluated by professional librarians. Things bookmarked will then not be lost but can be shared and added to continually for research and accessible from anywhere. Wow.

Learning about this site put a few things into place for me! I always wondered how sites like YourTutor and AskNow could deliver answers to students in a short time (my teenage son uses AskNow and YourTutor for help with HSC Legal Studies etc.) and of course they find relevant websites and online resources quickly using the bookmarked sites. That is so useful to us in the library with a lot of the work already done for us. Example - AskNow's webpage
Okay, phew, what's next? (Is it me or is this the never-ending week?!!!)

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