Thursday, May 22, 2008

Here at last!

I have looked forward to researching social networks because so many patrons (and my own teenage son) seem to be obsessed with keeping in touch with their "friends" both old and new. Bebo and Facebook are probably the most-used websites in our library, where once email was the most popular.

I think we have to utilise these sites for our benefit so we are not looked upon as out of touch and boring. Instead of (or as well as?) a library website, we could use Bebo or Facebook etc to share ideas with other libraries, clients, new friends. I particularly liked Rotorua Public Library's Bebo page, it looked colourful and inviting. With a similar set-up, we could inspire one another, share information, solve problems, discuss events. We could market our facilities, promote our services and use it as a publicity tool. I don't think we can have too much self-promotion. Using social-networking to expand our clientele, promote our services and raise our profile is excellent marketing.

Some focusses of our library include Book Groups and genealogy enthusiasts. Patrons could use the site to discuss their book reviews, share thoughts and information with other patrons and groups from other libraries. I can see the younger patrons having a great time doing their own reviews and chatting to other keen library users. These sites give people a "voice" and if they are talking to us or about us or just being with us in a technical way then it would be a great improvement which would keep us up-to-date and COOL which I think would greatly improve our image.

Well, that's it from me and my thoughts but the journey is not over. My thanks to all the Team for your support and encouragement. I hope to re-trace my steps and look into every week's info again so it all really sinks in. It has been mostly fun and definitely enlightening. I really do think I could be a techo hero after all, albeit still a little reluctantly...

1 comment:

pls@slnsw said...

Congratulations on finishing the course and what a good idea to go back over it to refresh your memory.
