Monday, May 19, 2008

Week 11 - Heaven!

Only one more week to go! I am very pumped to get this finished by the deadline. Well, I love a challenge. Week 11 was really interesting. I never realised there were so many free software applications available. I would never have known what to do with them anyway! Now I do and it is a great feeling, that "knowledge is power" thing....

What could we do with Google Docs etc at our library? Well, I think it would be useful for our newsletters for example. We sometimes send an email around asking for items for the coming month's issue or if we see each other we ask face to face. That is the trouble, we all work varying times/days and it would be great to create a Google doc to share our input and edit/update etc. I can see that it would also be good for adding suggestions to our staff meeting agenda. This one's a goer!

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